From today onwards, we would like to transform our blog into a more educational and useful kind of space where we share things we created, how we create them and many more. We realized our readers don’t just come to read about marketing, animation and video production but also to learn about how these things are made in our studio.
As a large portion of our audience are designers, animators and entrepreneurs, we thought why not share some digital assets with them? We will not be publishing just any graphics and illustrations but quality ones handcrafted by the Kasra Design team itself.
Along with freebie releases, we will also make fresh from the oven tutorials on Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D plus various plugins and scripts that we use in our daily work.
What’s in for September?
A collection of characters in various settings / environments. You can use them in your marketing poster, blog, landing page, animation, mobile game and so on. You may download it from the following link:
A few important notes:
- You are not allowed to sell any of the freebies we publish on our website.
- You can use the freebies in your personal or commercial artwork.
- You may share the above materials, however you must credit us in your post with a link to our website.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.